

Photo-Sharing Platform

Development Implementation

RootsFolio is an iOS app targeted towards lovers of ethnic hair and providers that offer care for these niche hairstyles. It is an Instagram-inspired platform that lets users connect with the right hairstylist for their type of roots (African-American ethnic hairstyle).


  • iOS
  • AWS
  • Core Data
  • Custom Cam
  • Objective-C
  • Rest API
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Custom Chat Module


RootsFolio needed an app where everyday users could share selfies of their roots with others who have roots or who love the ethnic hairstyle. The app was to serve as a touchpoint between niche ethnic hair care providers and their customers. Both parties were to engage via an Instagram-like feed by sharing images of their own hairstyles or hairstyles that they have created.


  • Development and Implementation of iOS App
  • Provider and Member Sign-Up
  • Instagram-Inspired Feed of Ethnic Hairstyles
  • Messaging between Providers and Members
  • An Extensive Selection of Root Types for Members
  • Showcasing Type of Provider and Services Offered


RootsFolio collaborated with Virtual Force as their technology partner after completion of their design phase. The VF team created an iOS app for RootsFolio with a similar experience and user-friendliness as Instagram. A familiar UI/UX ensured that users were able to quickly navigate within the app. The feed enabled providers and members to glance at the latest photos that they had or had worked on as provider.

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