

YourPDi wanted to provide its users with a safe and secure platform to store all the documents that are important and valuable to them. It wanted to offer a quick, easy, and secure way to share passwords, important stuff about home, family, and work within groups made specifically for these categories. The document management system, created with Virtual Force, was to be accessible from anywhere so users always had a convenient way of viewing, editing and sharing documents and information which mattered and when it mattered.

Virtual Force was engaged with the founding team at YourPDi since the conception stage. Team VF lead the ideation, and design and development phases to launch the document management system. In the initial 6 months after its launch in April 2018, the app acquired over 6,000 users, a number that is growing every month. VF is currently working as the technology partner to continuously evolve the product while maintaining it. YourPDi app has been recognized by platforms like Breakit, Appscene, and has been incubated by Sting, a renowned incubator of Sweden.

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Utilizing a Broad Tech Stack for YourPDi

For the web, the technologies used for YourPDi are Ruby on Rails, Active Admin, RDS, and Amazon Web Services. Baffin Bay Network is utilized for security on the proxy server. Objective-C for the iOS app and Kotlin for the Android version were used. VF also made use of OCR and 256 AES Encryption to ensure safety and security. Some of the 3rd-party integrations used are AWS SDK, Genius Scan and SendGrid.

Creating an Innovative All-Round Solution

  • Ideation, Conception and Execution of Web Platform and Mobile Apps
  • Quick Access from Anywhere via Mobile Apps
  • Convenient ‘One-Stop-Shop’ App for Documents
  • Bay Baffin Network for Security and Safety of Information Stored
  • Super-Easy Scan-&-Upload Documentation into Pre-Defined Categories
  • Useful Notifications, Alerts, and Reminders for Users
  • Easy-to-Share within Categories (Me, Things, Home, Family, Projects)

Key Features of the Document Management System

Document Creation

Documents can be easily created either within the 5 main predefined categories or by creating a new custom category. For each category, users can see a predefined format to fill out and they can alter it as per need. Attachments can be uploaded directly or imported from other applications such as Gmail, Google Photos, etc.

Built-In Scanning and OCR

Any document such as passports and loyalty cards can be scanned and the data is populated automatically through OCR into the predefined forms within the app.

Document Searching

Elastic search allows searching within the document content allowing for an extensive search capability.

Document Sharing within Family

YourPDi allows users to create family groups. Documents can then be shared within group members ensuring that the data is not leaked to an irrelevant audience. Access rights on documents can be controlled by the document owner.

Real-Life Applications for End Users

A document management system in this day and age helps to de-clutter life when needed the most. Imagine easily sharing confidential documents on-the-go with family members. There would be no need to rummage through file cabinets, desk drawers or even wardrobes to find your document. YourPDi is a one-stop solution for managing documents in an accessible, secure and safe way.

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