

Technology stacks do not limit us. However, we have some favorites and we feel fearlessly confident when using them.

We truly believe in thinking solutions beyond technology stacks. When thinking of product features, user controls and information flows, they should all be independent of technology. You limit your options when you start thinking of them in terms of code, libraries and tech stack. Tech stacks are just a means to an end. Choose the one that gives the quickest, sustainable and quality output.

Building UI/UX

We believe in the power of UI/UX. Period. Our engineers are fully enabled on latest frameworks and tools to generate stunning front ends.

We have solid understanding and skills of various Java Script libraries (angular js, jquery, meteor js) augmented with HTML5 and CSS3.

We often refer to Google’s Material Design guidelines and have frequently used frameworks like Bootstrap, Boilerplate and recently Foundation.

Building Backend

When it comes to building the core backend of the application we have been using RAILS Stack, LAMP Stack and recently MEAN Stack. Occasionally we have used Python, C++ stacks in various projects.

Ruby on Rails prefer convention to configuration that helps speed time to market. It provides best MVC implementation and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) ability that helps avoid reinventing the wheel. Test Driven Development helps structure a clean code right from the start and ease up modifications. Community is the key behind any platform success and Rails community speaks for its success.

PHP (Pre Hypertext Processor) is the fastest growing tech platform with massive open source skillset and support available. It has the largest resource pool in form of off the shelf components. PHP can run on multiple platforms and has a wide spread support by almost all servers and hosting plans. It’s also a MVC enabled development paradigm with several development frameworks.

We have frequently used Code Igniter, Cake PHP, Laravel, Yii and Zend frameworks. For quick run of the mill applications we have used WordPress, Drupal, Magento, Shopify, OSCommerce, Zencart and a lot more.

MEAN Stack (Mongo DB, Express, Angular, Node)is an emerging javascript framework making web app development simple and accelerated. Combining angular and node js together gives an entire app development using java script.

Building Mobile

Increasingly, there is a demand for hybrid applications with web and native mobile interfaces. We have a full service mobile development studio capable of producing best iOS and Android apps for both mobiles and tablets. We have used hybrid tech like Ionic, React and Meteor to develop mobile apps as well. We have an extra focus on user experience and are careful in producing designs capable of scaling up with newer versions. We have worked on enterprise, educational, utility and gaming apps.

Choosing Databases

Building the right system architecture and database architecture is an art. Decisions play an important role and define the long-term scale that can be achieved given the evolving set of requirements.

We have worked with a wide array of databases that supports from simple to complex operations of thousands of QPS. We frequently use PostgreSQL, MySQL and MongoDB with solid experience in Reddis and Hadoop.

Hosting Platforms and Server Management

We have experience managing various servers to launch our applications. They include Amazon Web Servers, Azure, Heroku, Digital Ocean, Linode, and VPS over Godaddy, IXWebhosting, Bluehost, iPage and the list goes on.

API Integrations

While building products, we have experienced playing with dozens of API’s with which we have integrated. Starting from payment processing APIs to analytics and performance monitoring APIs, SMS and Email APIs, CRM APIs, Digital signature APIs, background check API’s, Audio Video APIs. You name it and we will integrate it, provided basic documentation and access is available.

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